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It is envisioned that the platform will connect multiple regional and national users and providers of weather and climate information. It will serve as a live forum for discussions, sharing of knowledge and experiences as well as a quick reference point for solutions for challenges faced in agriculture from weather climate and water. The platform will provide linkages to key resource persons and serve as clearing house for Agrometeorology information in the Caribbean.

An active CariSAM would also facilitate (after one year of existence) membership within the Global Federation of Agricultural Meteorologists (GFAM) which would provide greater exposure to a global audience as well as an avenue to share experiences and lessons learnt. Among the expected functions and benefits are the following:

Function Details
Information and Data Centre

Online data source for key weather parameters and production areas. Explanation of key terms and interpretation of climate information, linkages to key resource persons.

Discussion Forum

Webinars and other online interactive sessions will facilitate discussions on important agro-meteorological issues in the Caribbean- including but not limited to water availability and irrigation requirements, agrometeorological hazards, pest and disease management, yield optimization and climate change adaptation. It could also serve as a help line for key challenges as for new and emerging challenges

Source for tailored climate products

These will include national and regional bulletins, climate outlooks, forecasts and other co-developed products. Products will be continually improved based on feedback of subscribers

Online training centre

Courses will be offered when possible to enhance knowledge and application of weather and climate information and use of new tools

Links to International networks The site will also provide useful links to important international sites including: WMO, WAMIS, as well as to others providing key weather and climate information
Publication hub Showcase latest Caribbean research in agrometeorology and related sciences and enhance collaboration and visibility of Applied research